Мобиком анкет
Ажлийн байрны тухай мэдээлэл хаанаас олсон бэ?
1. Vacancy notice
Хүсч буй цалингийн доод/дээд хэмжээ
2. 400000-500000 ₮
Хэзээ ажилд орох боломжтой вэ?
3. Whenever
Илүү цагаар ажиллах боломжтой юу?
4. Yes
Хэлэхийг хүссэн зүйлс, давуу чанар
5. N/A
Үндсэн мэдээлэл
Ургийн овог – Khutuch
Эцэг /эх/-ийн нэр- Ganzug
Өөрийн нэр- Enkh-Amgalan
Паспорт №ZA*******
Хүйс – male
Төрсөн огноо - 1988/05/04
Төрсөн улс – Mongolia
Төрсөн хот / аймаг - Zavkhan
Улс- Mongolia
Гэрийн утас –no
Гар утас -99965427
И-майл- amka05@yahoo.com
Боловсролын мэдээлэл бүртгэнэ үү!
Улс- Mongolia
Хот / аймаг- Ulaanbaatar
Сургууль- University of Information and telecommunication
Мэргэжил-Telecommunication inginer
Мэргэжлийн зэрэг- Bachelor
Элссэн он /2006
Төгссөн он/2010
Дипломын сэдэв
Гадаад хэлний мэдлэг бүртгэнэ үү
Гадаад хэл -English
Ярьсныг ойлгох-bad
Өөрөө ярих- bad
Уншиж ойлгох- middle
Бичиж орчуулах- middle
Таныг хамгийн сайн тодорхойлж чадах хүний мэдээлэл бүртгэх
Таны хэн болох- mother
Овог: Lkhunrev
Нэр Ganzug
Төрсөн огноо 1965-12-07
Хот / аймаг -Zavkhan
Сум / дүүрэг – Uliastai
Хаяг-Uliastai khot of Zavkhan aimag, Mongolia
Эрхэлж буй ажил- Driver
Эрхэлж буй албан тушаал- driver
Төрөл садангийн тухай мэдээлэл бүртгэх
Таны хэн болох friend
Овог Bataa
Нэр Ideree
Утасны дугаар 99268932
Эрхэлж буй ажил-Teacher math
Эрхэлж буй албан тушаал - teacher
Олгогдсон цол зэрэг, шагнал урамшлын мэдээлэл бүртгэх
Name: Enkh-Amgalan Ganzug
Address: 207nd number, 2th flat, communal flat of student’s Bayanzurkh district, Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia
Telephone number: 976-99965427
Email: amka05@yahoo.com
Date of birth: 04/05/1988
Place of Birth: Erdenet Khot of Orkhon aimag
Citizenship: Zawkhan aimag
Visa Status: BYU:880504..
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Marital Status: no married
INTERESTED POSITION:Telecommunication engineer, Telecommunication Mobicom, Unitel, Skytel, Internet’s LLC & Place Communication of Espionage, Electric engineer,
Assistant of electric engineer worker
1th secondary school of Zavkhan aimag
I graduated school in 2006.
My class was intensive education in math.
The Information and Telecommunication of University which I graduated is very famous in Mongolia. Because, this university is Mongolian National University which offer electrical and technical profession to students. This profession offered me many kind of skills . Studying at the Information and Telecommunication of University has provided me with an interdisciplinary degree in this profession.
I live with my family. I have large family and there are 5 people, father, mother, young sister, young brother and me. My father is working in Zavkhan
Operating System: MSDOS, Microsoft Windows
Design: CorelDraw , Flash , Photoshop , MATLAB, and Autocad
General: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Visio Technical
Sport skills:
I have all kind of talent of sport. Example: Basketball, Volley-ball, Tennis & wrestler. It has already passed 4 years since I start studying by tennis.
Orchuulga, orchuulah daraalal
Flexible Call Handling: It’s never been easier to handle all the incoming & outgoing calls. Atizlan IP PBX system allows you to access your calls virtually from anywhere you want. Even on your mobile phone, or laptop you can attend to the call. The days of missed important calls are over.
1. read the paragraph to skim
2. read to scan
3. consider linken words
4. overlook sentence structure
5. look new words up
6. find the appoint words for paragraph of idea from dictionary
7. Translate the compound words
8. translate essential sentences
9. put the sentences in right position
10. link the sentences
11. checking grammar faults
12. writing paragraph in to one
13. read
14. read again
15. read again totally
Sunday, September 20, 2009
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