Saturday, November 7, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
1. Skim
2. new word
3. write new word
4. Find subject
5. Find predicete
6. Define determiners
7. Define determiners structure
8. Find unknown words
9. Look up in the clic
10. Define sentence tense
11. Translate main clause
12. Define conjunction
13. Translate aid clause
14. Compound text
15. Read again
9.Мэдээллийн систем нь 5 хэсэгтэй:Хүмүүс,процедур,прогрхмм хангамж,техник хангамж ба өгөгдөл.
-Information system consists of 5 parts:People,procedur,software,hardware and data.
10.Үндсэн асуудал бол үйлдлийг тоон завсрын үзүүлэгдсэн байхын тулд яаж хөрвүүлэх вэ гэдэг явдал юм.
-Basic problem is how cause of operationdigital instrutions line frame's to appeared.
My name is Enhamgalan.
I graduate school of Imformation & Communication technology.
I’m bachelor and telecommunication engineer
2.What are your greatest strenaths?
I’m honest and loyal.
I’m good working engineer.
I can greative.
3.How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
My future plan is good engineer so I must seek.
I think I always must develop me.
4.Why did you decided to seek position with this organization?
Because this organization is larger than one of the Mongolia.
I dreamed this organization. Because this organization’s workers is young.
5. When are your long-range goals and objectives?
I get best engineer.
Also I will return my parents faver and live happy.
6. What are your short range goals and objectives?
I study hard by English language.
I study hard by computer.
I study good girl
7. What have you learned from participation in extra curriculum activities?
So many people participate in extra activities. Therefore from they I learned how communicate and relize each other. I learned care somebody and myself too.
8. What makes a job enjoyable for you?
It is a complex concept combining both your heart and your mind. It includes belonging and feeling valued, how you connect emotionally and intellectually with the people around you at work and the support you receive from within the organization to perform your job successfully.
9. How important is communication and interaction with others on your job?
Of course I will meet with difficulties. At that time I need my collective. Therefore on my job communication and interaction are very important.
10. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
"I need some privacy time for planning, but otherwise I like the activity and noise of people around me and the ability to share ideas. I think most writers need reinforcement, because we all get writer's block occasionally.
11. What extra-curricular activities were you involved in?
I was member of own school’s student council. Then I became leader. Of course I tried so much to achieve this basis.
12. What and in what ways do you think you can make a contribution to your organization?
I can become very big company.
13. Looking back, what would you do differently in you life?
I want do changes in my life.However now I don’t know do any change
14. Describe your ideal company,position and job How do you think you can develop the organization?
Becuase it's very interesting job. The your organization near at my home and must comportable environment.
15. Where do you see yourself five years after from now?
The five years after from now I will do my career’s work. Maybe five years after I will become mobile telecommunication company’s director. I will married
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Enkh-Amgalan Ganzug
School of Telecommunication and Information technology,
15th khoroo, Bayanzurh district,
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
To: "G-Mobile" company
I would like to recommend Enkh-Amgalan as a candidate for a position with your organization. I have known Enkh-Amgalan for 3 years. During the years, I have seen many abilities of her. She is able to study anything new and always tries to know anything new. Enkh-Amgalan is interested in helping others and provides service in a consistently positive and helpful manner.
I strongly recommend her for your offering position of work.
As Enkh-Amgalan teacher, I have given her many tasks to do and she always done it on time. Her capacity for work is very good and skill of communication software and hardware.
If you're looking for experienced employer with ability to rise, Enkh-Amgalan is an excellent choice. She is friendly, responsible, skilled in teamwork and able to rise easily. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to answer further question about Enkh-Amgalan.
Senior lecturer BAYARMAA Gurtseden
Tel: 99167382 fax: 976-11-458589
November 13, 2008
Enkh-Amgalan Ganzug
School of Telecommunication and Information technology
15th khoroo, Bayanzurh district,
Ulaanbaatar Mongolia,
Dear Sir,
My name is Enkh-Amgalan. I graduated my school as an engineer of telecommunication. I’m seeking a suitable work. I have enclosed my CV, reference letter from English teacher, certificates, diplomas, and detail of my interesting.
I am confident that my communication skill. In addition both written and verbal are excellent.
Also I am responsible, friendly and honest.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Sir
As the new owners of Orgil market , please
accept our congratulations and very best wishes for your
Sky company is a well established supplier
of beef and provisions to many of the finer hotels and
restaurants in Ulaanbaatar and its vicinity. We
specialize in choice and prime, portion controlled, pork,
lamb, veal and western beef. We have enclosed a price
list for your review, but would like to add that there
are specific quantity discounts that are available.
(name of rep) , our sales representative for your
area would be pleased to come to the River at your convenience to show you the quality
of our products and discuss our terms and prices with you.
Please call (phone) for an appointment.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
hi 2
Ажлийн байрны тухай мэдээлэл хаанаас олсон бэ?
1. Vacancy notice
Хүсч буй цалингийн доод/дээд хэмжээ
2. 400000-500000 ₮
Хэзээ ажилд орох боломжтой вэ?
3. Whenever
Илүү цагаар ажиллах боломжтой юу?
4. Yes
Хэлэхийг хүссэн зүйлс, давуу чанар
5. N/A
Үндсэн мэдээлэл
Ургийн овог – Khutuch
Эцэг /эх/-ийн нэр- Ganzug
Өөрийн нэр- Enkh-Amgalan
Паспорт №ZA*******
Хүйс – male
Төрсөн огноо - 1988/05/04
Төрсөн улс – Mongolia
Төрсөн хот / аймаг - Zavkhan
Улс- Mongolia
Гэрийн утас –no
Гар утас -99965427
Боловсролын мэдээлэл бүртгэнэ үү!
Улс- Mongolia
Хот / аймаг- Ulaanbaatar
Сургууль- University of Information and telecommunication
Мэргэжил-Telecommunication inginer
Мэргэжлийн зэрэг- Bachelor
Элссэн он /2006
Төгссөн он/2010
Дипломын сэдэв
Гадаад хэлний мэдлэг бүртгэнэ үү
Гадаад хэл -English
Ярьсныг ойлгох-bad
Өөрөө ярих- bad
Уншиж ойлгох- middle
Бичиж орчуулах- middle
Таныг хамгийн сайн тодорхойлж чадах хүний мэдээлэл бүртгэх
Таны хэн болох- mother
Овог: Lkhunrev
Нэр Ganzug
Төрсөн огноо 1965-12-07
Хот / аймаг -Zavkhan
Сум / дүүрэг – Uliastai
Хаяг-Uliastai khot of Zavkhan aimag, Mongolia
Эрхэлж буй ажил- Driver
Эрхэлж буй албан тушаал- driver
Төрөл садангийн тухай мэдээлэл бүртгэх
Таны хэн болох friend
Овог Bataa
Нэр Ideree
Утасны дугаар 99268932
Эрхэлж буй ажил-Teacher math
Эрхэлж буй албан тушаал - teacher
Олгогдсон цол зэрэг, шагнал урамшлын мэдээлэл бүртгэх
Name: Enkh-Amgalan Ganzug
Address: 207nd number, 2th flat, communal flat of student’s Bayanzurkh district, Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia
Telephone number: 976-99965427
Date of birth: 04/05/1988
Place of Birth: Erdenet Khot of Orkhon aimag
Citizenship: Zawkhan aimag
Visa Status: BYU:880504..
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Marital Status: no married
INTERESTED POSITION:Telecommunication engineer, Telecommunication Mobicom, Unitel, Skytel, Internet’s LLC & Place Communication of Espionage, Electric engineer,
Assistant of electric engineer worker
1th secondary school of Zavkhan aimag
I graduated school in 2006.
My class was intensive education in math.
The Information and Telecommunication of University which I graduated is very famous in Mongolia. Because, this university is Mongolian National University which offer electrical and technical profession to students. This profession offered me many kind of skills . Studying at the Information and Telecommunication of University has provided me with an interdisciplinary degree in this profession.
I live with my family. I have large family and there are 5 people, father, mother, young sister, young brother and me. My father is working in Zavkhan
Operating System: MSDOS, Microsoft Windows
Design: CorelDraw , Flash , Photoshop , MATLAB, and Autocad
General: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Visio Technical
Sport skills:
I have all kind of talent of sport. Example: Basketball, Volley-ball, Tennis & wrestler. It has already passed 4 years since I start studying by tennis.
Orchuulga, orchuulah daraalal
Flexible Call Handling: It’s never been easier to handle all the incoming & outgoing calls. Atizlan IP PBX system allows you to access your calls virtually from anywhere you want. Even on your mobile phone, or laptop you can attend to the call. The days of missed important calls are over.
1. read the paragraph to skim
2. read to scan
3. consider linken words
4. overlook sentence structure
5. look new words up
6. find the appoint words for paragraph of idea from dictionary
7. Translate the compound words
8. translate essential sentences
9. put the sentences in right position
10. link the sentences
11. checking grammar faults
12. writing paragraph in to one
13. read
14. read again
15. read again totally
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Монголоос Англи:
Vacency ennovncement
The Monos group is seehing for a candidate for the following josition
Inside Auditor
Qualitications required
· Bachelor’s degree in accounting or finance
· Five years of progressively responsible professional experience in trading
· Experience of auditor is preferred
· Experienced accountant
· Ability required in analysis of finance and business
· Foreign language couputer literacy
· Work a long time
ü Questionnaire / take from Reseption/
ü A copy of ID
ü Copy of diploma certifcotes
ü Application form to work
ü 1 photo
Letter of non judgevent from police tehing materials to the following address 10 February 2009
Address Bayanzurhh distriect , 2-r khoroo,Chingunjeviin street ,9 toot Telephone:99044411
Ангил-с монгол:
Ажилд шалгаруулж авна.
Аль газрын хоол тэжээлийг дэмжих программ (HLSPO ) нь хоол мэжээлийг дэмжих төсөлд зохицуулагч болон Микро санхүүгийн төвд удирдалгын албан тушаалд тус тус ажилтан шалгаруулж авна.
Учир шалтгаан
Микро санхүү хөгжлийн сан нь Дэлхийн банкны олон улсын хөгжлийн асасочиас хэрэгжүүлж буй хоол тэжээлийг
Дэмжих программын нэг хэсэг юм Микро санхүү хөгжлийн мөвийн зорлиго нь бол Монголын банкуудаар дамжуулан ядуу орлого багатай хүмүүст сургалт явуулан бага хүүтэй зээл олгох юм .
Үүрэг хариуцлага :
· Микро санхүү хөгжлийн төвийн дэг журам хийх ажилд хариуцлагатай байх
· Сангын удирдлагад хариуцлагатай байх
· Хоол ,тэжээлийг дэмжих төсөлийн Микро санхүүгийн хайгуул хийх ажилд хариуц лагатай байх
· MDF-н санхүүгийн мэдээлэл цаг хугцаанд нь тохирсон захиалгыг зохицуулах
Тавигдах шаардлага
v Нягтлан бодох бүртгэл , эдийн засаг санхүүгийн чиглэлээр магистарын зэрэгтэй
v Санхүү удирдлагын чиглэлээр 3 жил ажилсан ажилын туршлагатай
v Ямар нэгэн юманд тайлан бэлдэж дүн шинжилгээ хийх чадвартай
v Ангил хэлний болон бэчигийн өндөр чадвартай
v Монголын иргэдийн хөгжлийн талаар зохих мэдлэгтэй
v Компьютэрийн мэдлэгтэй
Хувын зохион байгуулалт сайн мөн багаар ажилах чадвартай
Дээрх шаардлагыг хангасан хүмүүс холбоо барь.
v Анкета өөрийн сонирхсон зүйлээ агуулсан захидалтай хамт ирүүл
v Диплом болон гэрчилгээний хуулбараа 2005 оны 2-р сарын 15-с өмнө дөөрх хаягаар HLSPO төвд ирүүлнэ үү .
Засгийн газрын байр 7 тоот 4 н давхар Хувьсгалчдын гудамж –38 . Чингэлтэй дүүрэг. Улаанбаатар .
Шуудан : HLSPO@
Утас 322465
Факс 328107